
Methwold Warren

Map of Location

Warren Features

Earliest documentary evidence
1578 Assignment of lease by Sir Thomas Tendall to William and John his sons for 21 years for a ‘warren of conies'[MC 569/3 778×4]

Other documentary evidence
pre-1066 – Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury
1086 (Domesday) held by Will. de Noiers but shortly transferred to Earl de Warrenne

pre 1578 – early 20thC owned by Duchy of Lancaster and leased to the following:-
1578 Assignment of lease by Sir Thomas Tendall to William and John his sons for 21 years for a ‘warren of conies

1598 Assignment of lease
[Blomefield An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: volume 2, 1805, p. 187 – 200. Date accessed: 16 February 2009, MS 569/3 778×4, MC569/3]

Clapper Area
1699 Map surveyed by Tho Cleere
1806 Enclosure map – clapper boundary shown
[MC 556/1, MC62/27, P153E Inclosure]

1699 Map surveyed by Tho Cleere
1806 Enclosure map [MC 556/1, MC62/27, P153E Inclosure]

Enclosure Acts
1806 Enclosure map[MC62/27, P153E Inclosure]

Other documentary evidence
1580 Survey [map]
Survey [written report] 25 Articles re ownership, rights, encroachment of commons, bylaws. Lists all the landholders and tenants by precinct, stating copy of leasehold and the value.

1603-34 [Between these dates} Suit with farmers of warren. Difficult to read but a Complaint either that rabbits are escaping, or more likely, that the warren boundaries are being extended.

1606 Reference in Blomefield to 2 suits. See attached notes

1699 Map surveyed by Tho Cleere – shows the Old Lodge with 2 wings

1771 Purchase of lease
1806 Enclosure map
1829 Plan of Methwold estates following inclosure
1884 OS Map, warren marked east of Warren House
[MPC 1-75 (similar to TC1/10a inc the same inscription, MC1874/1, NAS1/1110/48 and NAS 1/1/10/49, Blomefield, Vol II p204, 2nd ed
MC 556/1(as above), MC1874/11, MC62/27, P153E,BAN73]

1421 Men paid 3s 4d each as a reward for ‘apprehending malefactors of the night’
1425 Court officials raided houses in Methwold to catch poachers
1426 Warrener attacked by poacher with a cudgel
[Mark Bailey]

Number of Gates
Inclosure Act 1807 mentions ‘the old warren gate in the parish of Feltwell’[MC62/27, P153E]

1733 Will of Benj Paty, Warrener
1784 Will of John Currey, Warrener
[NRO MCC Tetsall 132, Microfilm MF 449 , NCC Will Register 178 or Norfolk Record Society Vol 38 or NRO Microfilm MF453]

Boundary Banks
1 Double bank on inside (south) boundary of warren approx 50m.
The inner bank peters out after a few meters. Low bank on north
side of track surmounted with coppiced oaks for approx 800m
Photos A and B.

2 Some coppiced deciduous trees on north side of track possibly forming boundary. Query if there is a low bank on south or if this is the result of planting or use of the path lowering the level.

3 Possible low bank on south side of track about 20 m long.

4 Coppiced trees on bank on north side of track approx 200 m. Bank on south side approx 300m.
Photos C and D

5 Bank along Devils Dyke which forms the boundary on the1607 map.
From 5 to 5b. The Dyke continues beyond the these points and
beyond the warren boundary. Outside (eastern) edge steeper, inside
(western) edge shallow. Planted with beech trees (not FC plantation)
alongside road.
Photo E.
5a Waymark at OS ref: 76650 9314. Bank measures 1.8m here.
Photo F.
5b Devils Dyke / boundary visible. The Warren boundary diverges a few
meters north following the present day road line and the Devils Dyke
in a North North easterly direction Oaks planted on east side of road. No signs of the bank north of where the boundary diverges from the Devils Dyke

6 Slight ditch and bank planted with coppiced beech trees for 200m.
Trees 30 cm diameter.
Photo G.

7 Old oak trees on bank on west side of track (possibly boundary of
warren as shown on early maps). On 1806 Enclosure Map blocks
2422 and 2423 (as shown on the FC Map) are shown as New Field /
The King. The earlier maps show this area as part of the warren.

8 Robin Hood’s Butt – raised ground planted with an oak tree, possibly
150 yrs old, inside the field boundary.
Photos H and I
9 Boundary marker for Methwold/Weeting on a raised bank
(continuation of Devils Dyke) which is steeper on the outside of the
Methwold / warren side and shallower inside.
Note – Nos 8 & 9 are located within the boundary of the warren as
shown on maps prior to the 1806 enclosure map

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