
Freckenham Warren

Map of Location

Warren Features

Other documentary evidence

1627 tithe payments list warren
Bond 1664 Henry Mammon to Wm Lowyn warrener , not to kill rabbits on the warren
1676 ‘the warren of the conies’ leased to Nathaniel Crabbe.
1677/78 Feoffment to Thos. Percival, gent. of Newmarket of Messuage etc. in Freckenham (late occ. by Jn. Dixon) & Freckenham Warren in Freckenham
Notice by landholders to destroy conies 1762
Ledgers 1771-1832
Memorandum reference farm and warren 1794
Survey 1816
Lease 1817 from Nathaniel Barnardiston to Jason Barton ,warrener
Lease 1823 William Westrophe from Nathaniel Barnardiston
Lease of 12 years of warren 579 acres  1826
Lease of 8 years by Nathaniel Clarke Barnardiston to Walter Rumbelow
‘the red lodge and the warren 592 acres and 2 roods’ 1862
Mortgage of Warren Farm 200 acres 1873-1898
[Suffolk (Ipswich) RO HD1538/113-204,WSROB 613/679/15, WSROB 613/679/19, WSROB 613/82, WSROB 613/575, WSROB 613/648/2, WSROB 613/349/1, WSROB 613/217/B,WSROB 613/676, WSROB 613/361, WSROBN HA507/2/294, WSROB HE500/1/2, and HD1325/70]

Earliest documentary evidence

1549-1551 Court Rolls list ‘killing of the coneys’ on the warren.
[Suffolk (Ipswich) RO HD1538/113-204]


Lease 1817 from Nathaniel Barnardiston to Jason Barton ,warrener
Lease 1823 William Westrophe from Nathaniel Barnardiston
Lease of 12 years of warren 579 acres  1826
Lease of 8 years by Nathaniel Clarke Barnardiston to Walter Rumbelow
‘the red lodge and the warren 592 acres and 2 roods’ 1862
[WSROB 613/361, WSROBN HA507/2/294,WSROB HE500/1/2]


1734 ‘warren house’
Red Lodge Receipts for work on Red Lodge 1781-1811
[Kirby’s Suffolk Traveller, WSROB 613/679/41]

Enclosure Acts

1824 Enclosure Map two banked  rectangular enclosures over 10 acres and 11 acres. Aerial photo 1946 traces of ridge and furrow. Neither evidence of entrance. [WLS LX/1 MS 21505/1]


1824 Enclosure Map two banked  rectangular enclosures over 10 acres and 11 acres. Aerial photo 1946 traces of ridge and furrow. Neither evidence of entrance. [WLS LX/1 MS 21505/1]

Numbers Culled

Sales Particulars 1918 recorded 1200 -1500 rabbits killed per year on a warren of 88 acres. [WLS XVIII/3 410×7]

Other documentary evidence

Deposition of James Barton of Freckenham, warrener, re theft of rabbit trap, allegedly by Richard Green of Chippenham  shepherd  [WSROB HD1538/44/93  29 Jan 1783]

Boundary Banks

Most of the site is now under new (late 1990s) housing estates. On-going construction work made a site visit impossible.

Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Site Report. Pendleton C (SCCAS), map, 17    June 2007 :
Earthwork banks partially surviving on N (circa 30cm high) ans S (1m + high at E end) sides of Green Lane(S1). Also narrow enclosed area adjoining towards W end on OS 1st ed map (1836) – that on N side still shown on 1880s OS map).  Date unknown but indicated on 1880s OS map. Follow line of undated parish boundary (and Medieval Rabbit Warren boundary?) between Freckenham (now Red Lodge) and Herringswell.     If the OS 1st ed map is depicting parallel earthwork banks rather than narrow enclosures this is very reminiscent of the warren banks at, for example, Santon Downham, Brandon, and Wangford Warrens.


TL6941 7000 Red Lodge Inn may include part of the warrener’s lodge. Inside is a room 38 feet x 15 feet of stone to a height of 5.5 feet and above that Tudor brick.

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